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  FechaTipo de Reporte Título Emisor/Entidad
07 Dec 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Consumer Packaged Goods issuers Cuppa Bidco B.V...
Kerry Group Fin...
Kerry Group Plc
L'Oreal S.A.
L'Oreal U.S.A. ...
Nestle Australi...
Nestle Capital ...
Nestle Finance ...
Nestle Holdings...
06 Dec 2023 Rating Action Moody's changes outlooks to negative on eight Chinese banks following sovereign rating action
 The document has been translated in other languages

Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural De...
Amipeace Limite...
Bank of China (...
07 Mar 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Chinese Banks Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Amipeace Limite...
Bank of China (...
Bank of China L...
17 Feb 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Consumer Packaged Goods issuers Artemis Acquisi...
Artemis Midco (...
Artisan Newco B...
Asterix AcquiCo...
Asterix HoldCo ...
Biscuit Holding...
Casper Debtco B...
Cerelia Partici...
Cookie Intermed...
Cooper Consumer...
24 Mar 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of China Banks Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Amipeace Limite...
Azure Orbit Int...
Bank of China (...
15 Mar 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Consumer Packaged Goods issuers Bestfoods
FAGE Internatio...
Henkel AG & Co....
Henkel of Ameri...
Kerry Group Fin...
Kerry Group Plc
LVMH Moet Henne...
LVMH Moet Henne...
Mead Johnson Nu...
28 Jun 2018 Announcement Moody's: China continues to make progress on limiting risk in the financial sector
 The document has been translated in other languages

Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Azure Orbit III...
Azure Orbit Int...
Bank of China (...
Bank of China (...
Bank of China L...
Bank of China L...
30 May 2018 Rating Action Moody's take rating actions on 19 Chinese commercial banks and 4 Chinese subsidiaries of international banks
 The document has been translated in other languages

Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Azure Orbit III...
Azure Orbit Int...
Bank of China (...
Bank of China (...
Bank of China L...
Bank of China L...
24 May 2017 Rating Action Moody's affirms 3 Chinese banks and 2 leasing companies, downgrades 1 bank, 3 policy banks, and 1 leasing company, and puts 1 bank and 2 leasing companies on review for downgrade
 The document has been translated in other languages

Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural De...
Azure Nova Inte...
Azure Orbit III...
Azure Orbit Int...
Bank of China (...
Bank of China (...
02 Mar 2016 Rating Action Moody's changes outlook of 25 Chinese non-insurance financial institutions to negative following sovereign action
 The document has been translated in other languages

Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural Ba...
Agricultural De...
Amipeace Limite...
Azure Orbit Int...
Bank of China L...
Bank of China L...
Bank of China L...
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